Sour Cream - Yogurt Cucumbers

Kahuna with the chain saw and this oak tree that decided to come crashing down in our backyard the other night at midnight.

See the poor little peach tree stick in the foreground?

Labels: vegetables
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queen of the castle recipes |
Labels: vegetables
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Thank you, DarcyLee at In This Season, for sharing this "Honest Scrap" award with me. DarcyLee always has wonderful homemaking thoughts and recipes to share. And besides that, she's a brand new grandma! So hop on over and scroll back a tad to see a picture of her precious new bundle and wish her congratulations.
Here are the "Honest Scrap" rules:
1. Say thank you to the presenter of the award and link back to them.
2. Share 10 honest things about yourself.
3. Present this award to 7 other people whose blogs you find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who give encouragement.
4. Tell those 7 people they have been awarded Honest Scrap and inform them of these guidelines in receiving it.
My 10 honest things:
1. I'm making a crazy quilt of old fabric scraps. Which leads, of course, to more fabric scraps, which leads to more scrap quilts. I don't picture this ending well.
2. I love my Moms In Touch prayer group. There is nothing like praising God, confessing your sins, thanking Him for His many blessings, and bringing your precious family before Him in prayer. Nothing. (You can read article here.)
3. We have no TV reception right now. Not missing it.
4. Our plum trees this year have no plums. Our peach trees have about 7 peaches, which we are valiantly fighting over with the squirrels. Not sure what happened. Missing my homemade peach nectar.
5. I wrote to President Reagan once to ask if he or Nancy used personal computers. (I worked for a computer magazine at the time.) I received a very nice reply on official White House stationery, which hung on my refrigerator door for quite a while. (The answer is no; neither he nor Nancy.)
6. My favorite Bible study resource is Joy of Living Bible studies. You can mail away for them. They are awesome. They even have studies for youth, and studies in different languages.
7. The last chocolate item I ate: homemade chocolate sauce, on sliced bananas. It was today's post-lunch dessert. (You DID get your post-lunch dessert, didn't you?)
8. My spices are alphabetized.
9. My refrigerator? Not.
10. When I was a kid I had a book of 1,001 free things to send for. I sent for almost every one, including the brochure from the tire company on how they make rubber. I have always liked mail.
I know not everybody has time to receive and pass along awards, so rather than doing as I'm told and passing this on to 7 more Honest Scrappers, I think I'll just list a few of my favorite blogs to visit, and hope you'll go visit them, too. And if anyone wants to play along, consider yourself bestowed with this honor and tell us 10 honest things about you!
Some favorite blogs:
Aunt Ruthie at Sugar Pie Farmhouse
Lori at A Frugally Old-Fashioned Homemaker
Happy Friday. Now go get your post-lunch dessert if you haven't had it yet.
This simple dish makes a nice alternative to French fries. It comes from The PlumpJack Cookbook by Jeff Morgan.
5 T. olive oil
3 lbs. potatoes, scrubbed (recipe called for large white or Yukon Gold, but I used potatoes from the big old bag of regular baking potatoes I had on hand)
1 T. dried rosemary
coarse salt and pepper
Cover the bottom of your roasting pan with 2 T. oil. Slice potatoes into 1/8-inch rounds. Place in pan. (You can be decorative here, and line them up in overlapping rows or in a circular pattern.) Drizzle over the remaining 3 T. olive oil. Sprinkle with rosemary, and season with salt and pepper as desired. Cook at 400 degrees aout 30 minutes, until golden brown.
Question: do you have any favorite summertime side dishes?
Labels: vegetables
Labels: main dishes