Nutty and Buttery Pressed Pie Crust

Dough stuck to the rolling pin, stuck to itself, flecks of butter sucking themselves onto other flecks of butter, a pie blob, a crust blob, a blob of pastry with no beginning and no end that has permanently bonded to the rolling pin and will never make it onto the pie tin in one unbroken beautiful perfect swath of pastry.
Have I mentioned that making pie crust from scratch makes me exceedingly nervous?
Somehow it just seems less risky to head to the grocery store's frozen food section and pick up a package of pre-made.
That is why, when I came across this pie crust recipe that's not roll-'er-out but smush-'er-in, the thought flickered through my brain -- I could do this. I could actually make this pie crust from scratch, by hand, with no stress and no excessive sweating.
No rolling pin needed. No pastry talent needed. Just mix up the three ingredients and use clean fingers or a spoon to smush the dough into the pie tin.
Now go. Smush. You can do this.
Note: This makes two crusts, and freezes beautifully.
2 c. flour
1 c. butter
1 c. finely chopped nuts
Put flour and butter in medium bowl. Use a pastry blender to cut in butter until it's the size of small peas. Add the nuts, mix well, and press into two pie pans.
For more kitchen ideas, check out Kitchen Tip Tuesdays at Tammy's Recipes. And Tasty Tuesday at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam.
Oh, this sounds good! I'll definitely be trying this recipe.
Great idea...I love smooshin' things :D
Besides being absolutely are wonderful for sharing this recipe! :)
Smushing things is a good de-stresser...did you know that? :)
Lori, I had no idea smushing things was a good de-stresser. Now I know why recipes like this appeal to me so much ;) Thanks, everyone, for coming by to visit.
That sounds like a pie crust I can handle! :)
I'll bet the nuts give it a great flavor and texture when baked.
I've never been known for fantastic pie crust--this may help earn me a new reputation! :-)
Thanks for stopping by Frugal at Home--I really enjoy meeting other bloggers this way!
I've never had very good success with pie crusts and have almost given up on them. I will try this one and hope that all the smushing pays off.
I just tried my first smushed pie crust recipe, and it was okay. I much prefer yours with the nuts. I think it would be great with a chocolate cream pie.
homemade pie crusts give me nightmares...i might have to try this though. doesn't seem too bad.
Oh I'm so glad to find some company with this pie crust freak out thing I have going. My family knows not to approach me when I have the rolling pin in hand. We can get good quality crusts (different sorts as well) at the grocery store here, so I usually just go with that. I'll give this one a try though - think it should go nicely with a lemon tart or other fruit tart. Thanks Lynn for making me laugh yet again. You are very entertaining you know!
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