Blog Award

Thank you, DarcyLee, for blessing me with the Sisterhood Award. I am most pleased at not just winning an award but that I was even able to pick it up and post it here. Which may not sound like an advanced accomplishment to those who actually know what HTML is (and you know who you are) but for me, who is still not sure how to get my cell phone to vibrate and not ring, the capacity to receive this (and humbly thank the Academy) far exceeds my technological potential.
If you get a chance to visit DarcyLee, you'll be happy you did; she has some of the most amazing recipes on her blog. Her molasses oatmeal cookies won absolute raves from people I fed them to, as in, "These are the best oatmeal cookies I have EVER eaten!" So go check it out when you have a minute.
This award represents blogs that show great attitude and/or gratitude. I'd like to pass it on to:
Lisa at Elbows on Our Table, who posts with poignancy and creativity about family life
VK at The Life and Times of VK & the Hodgpeople, a new blogger who's the youngest looking grandma you'd ever want to see
and Sandra at Add Humor and Faith, who provides memorable glimpses (and cool black and white photos) of newly married bliss and treasured family members
So go visit these ladies, if you have a minute.
Now here's what you do when you receive this.
1. Display this award on your blog.
2. Leave a comment to those you gave it to, letting them know they have it.
3. Link back to the person who gave it to you.
4. Pass it on to 10 or fewer bloggers who you think demonstrate great attitude and/or gratitude.
OR, you don't have to do anything but bask in the glow of knowing someone out there appreciates you.
Thanks again, DarcyLee.
Lynn, you are so cute to include me in your list for the sisterhood. Thank you!!
I am a little illiterate when it comes to tech stuff. Could you help me add links to my blog? I cant figure out how to put other peoples blog links into my text.
I do know what HTML is and yes, you did something amazing!!
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