Monday, January 5, 2009

Totally Not Food Related . . .

One of the biggest blessings of 2008 for me was discovering that the prayer organization Moms in Touch has groups for moms of college and career-aged kids -- and even for grandmas, too. If anyone thinks they might be interested in meeting to pray for their kids an hour each week, I would highly recommend you check it out.

What lead me to this group, you ask? (OK, maybe you didn't ask. But here's what happened.) In the process of writing this magazine article last year, I met so many amazing, lovely women over the phone and via email -- the kind of women who made me think, "That's who I want to be when I grow up" -- that once I concluded my interviews, I just had to join a group myself. It was, without a doubt, the absolute best thing I did last year, for so many reasons.

I'd be happy to blather on some more, if anyone wants to email me (or leave comments) with questions. But I'll shut up now since this is, indeed, a recipe blog, and Lord knows I'm having a hard enough time staying on topic already.


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