Breakfast Smoothie

I've been on a smoothie kick this last year, trying out all kinds of concoctions made with avocados and sweetened condensed milk (ugh), cucumber and mint (yum), and this one, a super filling combination containing peanut butter, orange juice, strawberries, and (uncooked) oatmeal. It comes from the best smoothie book ever, Delicious Drinks to Sip, Slurp, Gulp, and Guzzle by Rose Dunnington. As the author says, "The other smoothies in this book are great as part of your breakfast, but this one is a meal all by itself. Complex carbohydrates, like those in rolled oats, are good for you, especially early in the day. It takes your body a while to break carbs down into usable fuel, so (this smoothie) can keep you full until lunchtime."
It really does.
And at this busy time of year, when you're wrapping, mailing, writing cards, and attending Christmas recitals, it's nice to know that, even when you don't have a spare minute to cook, you still won't starve.
1 banana
2 T. peanut butter
2 T. (uncooked) oatmeal
1/2 c. orange juice
8 frozen strawberries (Rose calls for 4, but I like 8)
Throw it all in the blender and blend away.
Note: Pop over to visit Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer for some great Works-for-Me Wednesday tips.
Note #2: Check out this carnival at Life as Mom for some more breakfast ideas.
That sounds good. I'll have to try it. Matt works at 3am so he is always looking for a good smoothy to throw together before work. : )
Yikes, Megan, 3 a.m.?!! I hope his company pays him well and appreciates his dedication!
"Uninspired, Domestically Challenged or Just Plain Tired Homemaker" - I love that! Its so totally me! I'm mom to two boys 3 1/2 and 20 mos (developmentally delayed) and I'm tired all the time! I'm going to have to look for your book! Where can I buy one?!
Wani, I feel your pain with two boys so close together. Mine are almost 16 months apart and though they're older now, I still remember with piercing clarity how utterly exhausting those first few years were. Hang in there, it will get easier! Much, much easier :) Are they good sleepers, I hope?
You can find Queen of the Castle through or Some libraries have it (if yours doesn't you can always request that they consider buying it -- my library's great that way). And also, Barnes & Noble or Borders can order it, but they probably don't have it in stock. Thanks for your interest :)
This sounds really yummy!
I think Jamba juice had something like that. My daughter loved it. Glad to have the recipe.:)
Orange with cloves-sounds wonderful! I usually make pomanders for Chrismtas with cloves stuck all over an orange-
I am anxious to try your idea!
Great recipes!
What? A smoothie with Peanut Butter? I'm so there. Glad you are still enjoying the spinach salad - but I know you really just make an extra batch of the maple dressing and pour it into your smoothies ;0) Are you enjoying any of the baseball titles?
Gail, I LOVE those pomander balls with cloves stuck in them! I have one I made at least two years ago, still fragrant as ever. Aren't they wonderful?
The Bumbles, I think your maple syrup dressing in smoothies would be absolutely delicious. I can't believe I haven't thought of that already. I haven't tracked down the baseball titles yet, but one of my sons is doing a school project where he's comparing the properties of ash and maple baseball bats. So I'm enjoying reading his research ;)
I would be curious to hear what your son learns about the bats - good topic. And I'll have you know that I actually used a recipe recently that required a stove - BIG step for me :0) Of course, our stove ran out of propane so we had to borrow the neighbor's - and technically my hubby was the one to bring them over and pop them in the neighbor's stove, not me, but I am giving myself credit regardless. Enjoy the holidays!!!
I've enjoyed reading your blog over this last quarter. It's fun to see all the creative ideas you have. You're probably happy to have Ben and Jake home for a bit. Have a very merry Christmas and New Year together! :)Amy
The Bumbles, congratulations on using the stove! Big step, and the puff pastry recipe on your blog looks delicious.
You asked about the research my son is doing for a school project about ash vs. maple baseball bats. He's learned that the cellular structure of the two woods is different, which contributes to why they break differently. Also, the grain orientation determines the strength of the individual bat, and that's hard to determine with maple. Maple is harder and doesn't wear out as fast as ash. So you can use it longer, but when it breaks, it's more dangerous. It's interesting stuff! To me, anyway ;)
Amy, thanks for reading! If you or your family have any favorite recipes from growing up, I'd love to have them :) Please feel free to share. I hope you're having a great holiday with the family, even if you couldn't make it down to California. We enjoyed three minutes of snow on Christmas day. It was quite exciting.
Yummy! I got a blender for Christmas so I could start making smoothies at home. So fun to read new recipes!
Hi Lynn. Thanks for the suggestion of using our leftover pesto from our ham & cheese scrolls as a sauce for pasta. My hubby cooked up some chicken & penne and I told him to use the pesto which he did. He LOVED it - said he's putting it in his rotation ;0)
We also agree with your son's baseball bat research - the Maple bats were the ones flying all over the fields and stands this past year - they turn into shards of dangerous weapons pretty fast.
Happy New Year!!
Hi Lynn. Just wanted to tell you that we tried this smoothie over the weekend and didn't enjoy it very much :0( I think the PB in that consistency was not for us. Oh well. I am still in shock that I didn't like something with PB.
The Bumbles -- Sorry you didn't like this one. This is one that I've made a lot. Guess everyone's taste buds are different :o Another one I really like has peanut butter, marshmallow cream, and chocolate sauce in it. Not so healthy . . . but I think it's yummy.
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