Lemon-Chocolate Chip Mini Muffins

I love my mini-muffin pans. You end up with the perfect-sized little snack. Unless, of course, you eat eight or ten of them. But we wouldn't do that. No we wouldn't.
grated zest from 1/2 of a lemon
1/4 c. butter, at room temperature
1/2 c. sugar, plus 2 t. for sprinkling later
1 egg
1/2 t. baking soda
1 c. flour
1/2 c. buttermilk (I use regular milk and just add a t. or so of lemon juice; stir it and let sit for about five minutes, until it gets a slightly curdled look)
1/2 c. mini chocolate chips
1/8 c. fresh lemon juice
Heat oven to 375 degrees. Butter your muffin tins (this will make about 30 mini muffins, or about 6 regular-sized ones). In medium bowl, beat butter and 1/2 c. sugar with electric mixer, until smooth. Add egg and beat. Stir in baking soda and grated lemon zest. Add half of flour, mix well, then half of buttermilk. Mix well. Finish with rest of flour -- mix -- and rest of buttermilk. Now add the chocolate chips, and spoon batter in to muffin tins. Bake about 10 minutes (if you're making regular-sized muffins, about 20 minutes), until lightly browned. Remove from oven and brush lemon juice over warm muffins, then sprinkle with remaining sugar.
Note: Don't forget when baking muffins, if at the end of the batch you have a couple of empty cups, fill them with water before putting the pan in the oven. That way you won't end up with a scorched tin.
Anyone have any favorite muffin combinations to share?
Lemon and chocolate? That must be divine!!! I've found the greatest recipes on your blog.
Keep them coming!
Those look YUMMY!!! I was looking through your blog you have some GREAT ideas!!!
Since you love to cook, have you seen this blog?
Lynn -- I love my mini tins too. They just seem to make anything baked in them more festive.
Hi Lynn, thanks for visiting my art blog and leaving me such a nice comment! Your muffins look so delicious. But, right now I have challenged myself to a no-flour, no-sugar diet. Not 100% but about 85% or more. I love how I feel. No sugar jitters! I am so impressed that you've written a book. It sounds like a gem. I'm off to do more reading of your blog....=)
Well, I could make these for my hubby...would they bake up alright in my madeleine pan?
SAH in Suburbia: Thanks for stopping by! I love lemon with chocolate. And orange with chocolate. And raspberry with chocolate. I see a pattern here . . .
Mcewens: Thank you for visitng my blog, and for sharing that great recipe site. Yum yum, lots of good stuff over there!
Addhumorandfaith: I agree, there is definitely something festive about a bite-sized morsel. Maybe it feels like an appetizer so you're tricked into thinking you're at a party, instead of standing in your same old kitchen. :)
Maggie ann: I must confess, I had to look up "madeleine" in my dictionary: "a small, rich cake, baked in a shell-shaped mold. Invented by Madeleine Paulmier, 19th century pastry cook." So see, blogging is educational!! Who knew?
But to your question, I don't see why you couldn't make these in a madeleine pan. I'll bet they'd be mighty festive looking, too.
Do you have any no-flour, no-sugar recipes that you've come across and love? Thanks for coming by!
Maybe the reason I like them too, is that they "trick" me into thinking there are fewer calories in six of them than in one ol' regular muffin. I know people who would think that, but certainly not me. :)
I like your logic, Sandra.
Hi Lynn, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! It is always fun to see new names. :)
These muffins look incredible. Although I'm quite afraid that if I made them, I really would eat ten!
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